

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TWIT TWEET TW*T I feel dirty!

Today I logged onto the studio tw*tter account in order to tweet about the show this weekend (it was scary and strange and I do not approve at all). We have the crappest twitter presence in the world, we've had a twitter account for a full year now (since we moved into the new studio space)... and so far made seven whole posts (or tweets?).  
Twitter makes me feel dirty. I am responsible for one of the seven original posts and I think it was 5 words long and about glitter... we have less than 10 followers and were following ONE person... my boyfriend.
We are failures in the twitterverse... I'm actually ok with this, however as it seems to be a decent marketing tool, it's time I put away my aversion to the hashtag and tw*t along with everyone else.

So on top of blogging more studio-blogginess... I am also resolving to ...tweet... more.

1 comment:

  1. The word "blog" disgusts me... However I do look forward to all of your tw*ts!
